A Thing (Part 2) Exhibition / もの(その二)写真展のお知らせ

<English below>
京都市右京区嵯峨二尊院門前善光寺山町 2
4月から延期となっていたKG+での展覧会を9月18日から開催いたします。4年前と同じく京都 嵐山・厭離庵にて新作を発表します。Kyotographie/ 京都国際映画祭 2020年のテーマは「VISION」。全てはまぼろし、と終わった前作「その一」、今作「その二」は意味のないものの意味を探す旅になりました。
A Thing (Part 2)
18 – 24 September 2020|10am-4pm
2 Saganisonin, Monzen Zenkoji Yamacho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto
It’s exciting to announce that I’m having a solo exhibition at KG+ from 18th September, which was postponed in this April. I’m presenting a new work at Enri-An in Arashiyama, Kyoto again, where I exhibited the previous work 4 years ago. The theme of Kyotographie 2020 is ‘VISION’. While Part 1 finished with ‘Everything is an illusion’, Part 2 became a journey to look for the meaning of a thing that doesn’t have a meaning.
‘Why are we here? Where did we come from, and where we will go?’ The curiosity to glimpse the mysteries of life was my starting point. And ‘A Thing’ is an attempt at physically and intuitively gaining insights into the nature of things, through my own experiences and senses beyond intellectual understandings. To open up a perception of the world and untangle the questions by using photography as a tool.