この時期に出来た『Light Tour』『Summer Diary』『Dear You, From Me.』という作品は自分の中にある矛盾や痛み、葛藤を理解し癒すための作品だったように思います。作品を通して心が徐々に解放され、「本当の自分の形」みたいなものが少しずつ見えてきました。
日本に帰国してからは、「自分の形」よりも「世界の形」を知りたいと思い始めます。これが、のちに『A Thing / もの』になりました。この作品は「その一」「その二」と足掛け6年ほどの長丁場のシリーズとなりました。自分の枠を超えたもっと大きいものを知りたいという興味は、結局は自分自身というところに戻ってはくるのですが・・。
去年(2020年)の『A Thing Part 2/ もの その二』の発表が終わってから、しばらくは作業ができませんでした。でも年が変わって少しずつ、ゆっくりと次の作品へと意識が向き始め、久しぶりに作業部屋に足を踏み入れました。部屋の真ん中に立ち、四方八方の壁に貼られている今までの作品を見渡した時、自分の手から離れた一つ一つの瞬間が走馬灯の様に流れ、一枚一枚の写真たちが今までになく愛らしく思えて、ありがとうという気持ちで涙が止まりませんでした。
I wonder how many times I have been reborn in the last 10 years.
Ever since photography, which I had been doing from university, became an important part of my life, I have gone through a lot of findings and changes with each work I made, and I have renewed myself.
Until then I think I was living a rather ordinary life. But when I look back, I see that there was always a sense of discomfort deep inside me that I wasn’t aware of. Was I clever enough to handle it, or was I so insensitive that I didn’t see it as a discomfort? Maybe I had been faking it for years.
Then, about 10 years ago, I experienced a big turning point that had a tremendous impact on my personality and photographic expression.
That was the loss of my mother. I realised that the everyday life that I had taken for granted would end eventually. And as I faced the last moments with my mum, I felt for the first time a strong urge to preserve them in photographs. I think this was a starting point in my close relationship with photography. From then on, I started to think about life and death, and who I was.
I started taking photographs of my family when I went back to Japan from the UK where I was living at the time. It was so personal that I didn’t think much about making a project out of it, wondering if it was something I could show to anyone (or if anyone would want to see it).
But one day, years later, at a bus stop just outside my house, it happened. I looked up at the sky and it was like a living creature, so I took a picture of it. As soon as I took the picture, I felt a very warm feeling and everything connected in a big circle inside me. And I thought, “Oh, it’s done”, and that’s when the project was completed. And that was the actual beginning of photography and art making for me.
In the years that followed, there was a lot going on in my life and I was going through all kinds of emotions. Special encounters, goodbyes, confusion about my changing identity, and a big change in environment, moving from the UK back to Japan. It was like being dragged into a huge wave of emotions, diving to the bottom of the deepest ocean and collecting pieces of myself that I had never found yet.
The works “Light Tour“, “Summer Diary” and “Dear You, From Me.” were made during this period to help me understand the contradictions, pains and conflicts inside me, and to heal. Through these works, my heart was gradually liberated and I began to see a shape of the genuine self.
After returning to Japan, I got interested in “the shape of the world” rather than “the shape of myself”. This later became “A Thing“, which I spent six years to finish; “Part 1″ and “Part 2”. My interest in knowing something bigger than my own came back to the self after all though…
After the exhibition “A Thing Part 2” last year (2020), I was unable to work for a while. But since the year changed (2021), after a long time, I slowly began to focus on the next project. I stepped into my studio and. stood in the middle of the room, looking around at the previous works on the walls of all sides. I had a flash back of each moment that had already slipped out of my hands, and each photograph seemed more precious than ever. I couldn’t stop crying with gratitude.
Now I am feeling like I’m at a completely different turning point than I had in the past. It is as if the big circle, which was made 10 years ago, is about to burst like a bubble. The big next rebirth will be coming. I wonder what will come out from the bubbles.
The same question comes and goes in my mind like a wave. “Why do I create?”